region 13 BY-LAWS
Approved, October 1999
Amended, October 2011
Amended, October 2018
Article I – Name and Affiliation
Section 1 This organization shall be known as “Region 13 of the American Iris Society” (hereinafter “Region 13).
Section 2 Region 13 shall be a region of “The American Iris Society (hereinafter “AIS” operating within the AIS.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1 Region 13 is organized exclusively for education and scientific purposes within the meaning of section 503(c)(3) of the Internal revenue Code.
Section 2 The purpose of Region 13 shall be to develop the science of horticulture and activities related to the study, propagation, and culture of the genus Iris; to stimulate and foster interest in horticultural pursuits; to promote conservation and protection of these plants, to cooperate other organizations, public and private, in the scientific and horticultural education of all those interested in learning any phase of the genus Iris; by any and all means consistent with these bylaws which may be determined by the Executive Committee of Region13. These shall include, but are not limited to:
Section 4 No substantial part of the activities of Region 13 shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and Region 13 shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign, including publication or distribution of statements on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Section 5 Inurement of income. No part of the net earnings of Region 13 shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, directors, officers or other private persons except that Region 13 shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.
Article III – Membership
Section 1 The Board of Directors of the AIS shall designate the boundaries of the area to be known as Region 13, and all members of that Society residing within these prescribed boundaries shall automatically be members of Region 13.
Section 2 Other interested parties may become Associate Members upon payment of the same annual communication fees as assessed to the active AIS members, These fees shall entitle them to receive the same communication privileges (i.e., bulletins, newsletters, invitations to meetings, etc.)
Section 3 All AIS and Associate members residing in Region 13 shall enjoy full voting privileges on the internal operations of Region 13. Restricted voting practices (AIS members only) shall be exercised only on issues that have impact on National AIS policy (i.e., recommendations for change to national policies or endorsement of national policies).
Section 4 Communication fees shall be payable annually, January 1st, to the Region 13 Treasurer. Members unpaid after April 1 may be dropped from the mailing roster.
Article IV – Officers and Duties
Section 1 The officers of Region 13 shall be the Regional Vice President, Assistant Regional Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and three Directors.
Section 2 The Regional Vice President (hereinafter “RVP”) shall perform all duties assigned by the constitution and by-laws of the AIS and carry out requests, as possible, from AIS officers and chairmen. The RVP shall serve on the AIS Board of Counselors, which meets during the national spring meeting of the AIS. The RVP shall also (1) preside at Region 13 meetings and executive committee meetings; (2) appoint the editor; (3) appoint chairmen and committees as needed, with the provision that all appointments are made with prior approval of appointees; (4) act as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee; (5) recommend garden and apprentice judges for the approval of the AIS Board of Directors and (6) perform any other duties necessary.
Section 3 The Assistant Regional Vice President (hereinafter “ARVP”) shall function for the RVP in his absence.
Section 4 The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of Regional, Executive Committee and Budget Committee meetings and perform such other communication functions as requested by the RVP.
Section 5 The Treasurer shall (1) be Chairman of a standing Budget Committee, (2) receive and disburse all Region 13 monies in conformance with the approved budget or as directed by the Executive Committee or membership, (3) keep books showing the source and use of all Region 13 monies and report at each business meeting, and (4) submit said books at each fall business meeting for audit by the directors.
Article V – Election of Officers
Section 1 RVP, ARVP, Secretary and Treasurer
Section 2 Directors: There shall be three Directors, each elected for a term of three years; the term to begin January 1 following election. Terms shall be staggered so that one Director shall be elected at each fall meeting. Candidates shall be nominated from the floor and elected by the majority of the members present. A Directory may not serve successive terms.
Article VI – Committees
Section 1 Executive Committee
Article VII – Meetings
Section 1 Spring Meeting: The Spring Region 13 meeting shall be held annually during bloom season.
Section 2 Fall Meeting: A Fall Region 13 meeting shall be held each October at a location accepted by the Executive Committee one year in advance. This meeting is expected to carry the main business load and shall include strong sessions for judges training.
Article VIII – Procedures and Quorums
Section 1 Procedures of the organization not specifically addressed in these by-laws shall conform with Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).
Section 2 A Quorum of any standing committee shall require a two thirds majority assembly.
Section 3 A Quorum of any special committee shall require participation of all appointed members. If agreement is not reached, both majority and minority reports shall be presented.
Article IX – Amendments
Section 1 Amendments to these by-laws may be prosed at any regular business meeting of the organization, and voted on at the next regular meeting with approval by a majority of those present; provided that the membership has been notified of the intention to amend at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. Absentee ballots may be cast by those unable to attend and shall be counted as if present.
Section 2 Nothing in these by-laws is intended to be in conflict with the objectives, constitution or by-laws of the AIS. Should a conflict occur, the amendment process shall be used to promptly eliminate such conflict.
Section 3 These by-laws shall completely supersede all previous by-laws of Region 13 of The American Iris Society and any amendments thereto.
Article X – Dissolution
Section 1 Upon the dissolution of Region 13, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of Region 13, distribute all assets of Region 13 to an organization or organizations that shall be exclusively organized and qualify as exempt organization under Section 201©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). Any assets not disposed of ty the Board of Directors shall be distributed by a court having jurisdiction for such purpose in the county in which the principal office of Region 13 is then located to similarly qualifying organization or organizations.
Amended, October 2011
Amended, October 2018
Article I – Name and Affiliation
Section 1 This organization shall be known as “Region 13 of the American Iris Society” (hereinafter “Region 13).
Section 2 Region 13 shall be a region of “The American Iris Society (hereinafter “AIS” operating within the AIS.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1 Region 13 is organized exclusively for education and scientific purposes within the meaning of section 503(c)(3) of the Internal revenue Code.
Section 2 The purpose of Region 13 shall be to develop the science of horticulture and activities related to the study, propagation, and culture of the genus Iris; to stimulate and foster interest in horticultural pursuits; to promote conservation and protection of these plants, to cooperate other organizations, public and private, in the scientific and horticultural education of all those interested in learning any phase of the genus Iris; by any and all means consistent with these bylaws which may be determined by the Executive Committee of Region13. These shall include, but are not limited to:
- Encouragement and support of scientific research, including those pertaining to the solution of diseases related to but not necessarily exclusive of the genus Iris, and investigation and conservation of the genus in the wild:
- Collection, compilation and publication of data concerning the history, classification, breeding and culture of Irises; and
- Education of the public through exhibitions, public display gardens, published standards for judging and local, area, regional and national meetings open to the public.
Section 4 No substantial part of the activities of Region 13 shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and Region 13 shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign, including publication or distribution of statements on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Section 5 Inurement of income. No part of the net earnings of Region 13 shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, directors, officers or other private persons except that Region 13 shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.
Article III – Membership
Section 1 The Board of Directors of the AIS shall designate the boundaries of the area to be known as Region 13, and all members of that Society residing within these prescribed boundaries shall automatically be members of Region 13.
Section 2 Other interested parties may become Associate Members upon payment of the same annual communication fees as assessed to the active AIS members, These fees shall entitle them to receive the same communication privileges (i.e., bulletins, newsletters, invitations to meetings, etc.)
Section 3 All AIS and Associate members residing in Region 13 shall enjoy full voting privileges on the internal operations of Region 13. Restricted voting practices (AIS members only) shall be exercised only on issues that have impact on National AIS policy (i.e., recommendations for change to national policies or endorsement of national policies).
Section 4 Communication fees shall be payable annually, January 1st, to the Region 13 Treasurer. Members unpaid after April 1 may be dropped from the mailing roster.
Article IV – Officers and Duties
Section 1 The officers of Region 13 shall be the Regional Vice President, Assistant Regional Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and three Directors.
Section 2 The Regional Vice President (hereinafter “RVP”) shall perform all duties assigned by the constitution and by-laws of the AIS and carry out requests, as possible, from AIS officers and chairmen. The RVP shall serve on the AIS Board of Counselors, which meets during the national spring meeting of the AIS. The RVP shall also (1) preside at Region 13 meetings and executive committee meetings; (2) appoint the editor; (3) appoint chairmen and committees as needed, with the provision that all appointments are made with prior approval of appointees; (4) act as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee; (5) recommend garden and apprentice judges for the approval of the AIS Board of Directors and (6) perform any other duties necessary.
Section 3 The Assistant Regional Vice President (hereinafter “ARVP”) shall function for the RVP in his absence.
Section 4 The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of Regional, Executive Committee and Budget Committee meetings and perform such other communication functions as requested by the RVP.
Section 5 The Treasurer shall (1) be Chairman of a standing Budget Committee, (2) receive and disburse all Region 13 monies in conformance with the approved budget or as directed by the Executive Committee or membership, (3) keep books showing the source and use of all Region 13 monies and report at each business meeting, and (4) submit said books at each fall business meeting for audit by the directors.
Article V – Election of Officers
Section 1 RVP, ARVP, Secretary and Treasurer
- Officers so elected shall be the RVP, ARVP, Secretary and Treasurer. Term of office begins on the following January 1, normally for three years. Officers other than the RVP may serve a maximum of two consecutive three year terms. The RVP may serve for no more than tree consecutive years.
- At the fall meeting of the RVP’s second year, the RVP shall appoint a nominating committee. The nominating committee shall consist of one Director and at least two members at large.
- In the announcement for the spring meeting in the RVP’s last year of office, the nominating committee shall propose a slate of officers. The proposed slate of officers will also be announced at the spring meeting. The election of officers shall take place at the fall meeting of the RVP’s last year in office.
- Nominations may also be by petition signed by fifteen or more members. Petitions must reach the RVP 40 days before the fall meeting so that the RVP may organize a mail by ballot 30 days before said meeting. The mail ballots are to be sent to all Region 13 members.
- In the event that no petition arises, the proposed single slate of officers shall be considered elected. Otherwise, the majority results of the mail ballots sent to all members in Region 13 shall be binding.
- Special elections may be called by the Executive Committee in intervening years, should a vacancy occur. Vacancies may be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee for the balance of any year.
Section 2 Directors: There shall be three Directors, each elected for a term of three years; the term to begin January 1 following election. Terms shall be staggered so that one Director shall be elected at each fall meeting. Candidates shall be nominated from the floor and elected by the majority of the members present. A Directory may not serve successive terms.
Article VI – Committees
Section 1 Executive Committee
- With the RVP acting as chairman, this committee shall consist of the RVP, ARVP, Secretary, Treasurer, three Directors and the President of each Affiliate//Club in Region 13
- Should the Affiliate/Club President not be able to attend, an individual authorized by the Affiliate/Club President shall have the same voting privileges at the Executive Board Meeting.
- Meetings of this committee shall be called by the RVP or any two members. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all such meetings. The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the RVP, shall serve as the Budget Committee and shall be responsible for deciding the location of Region 13 meetings.
- The Budget Committee shall be an Executive Committee, with the Treasurer acting as chairman. This committee shall establish an operating budget for the year, to be presented to the general membership for approval at the fall meeting. The approved budget shall be printed in the next Region 13 publication.
- Unbudgeted expenses up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall require approval of the majority of the Budget Committee. Unbudgeted expenses over one hundred dollars ($100.00), shall require approval of the majority of voting members attending a Region 13 meeting.
- Region 13 fees shall be established by the Budget Committee as part of the annual budget.
Article VII – Meetings
Section 1 Spring Meeting: The Spring Region 13 meeting shall be held annually during bloom season.
Section 2 Fall Meeting: A Fall Region 13 meeting shall be held each October at a location accepted by the Executive Committee one year in advance. This meeting is expected to carry the main business load and shall include strong sessions for judges training.
Article VIII – Procedures and Quorums
Section 1 Procedures of the organization not specifically addressed in these by-laws shall conform with Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).
Section 2 A Quorum of any standing committee shall require a two thirds majority assembly.
Section 3 A Quorum of any special committee shall require participation of all appointed members. If agreement is not reached, both majority and minority reports shall be presented.
Article IX – Amendments
Section 1 Amendments to these by-laws may be prosed at any regular business meeting of the organization, and voted on at the next regular meeting with approval by a majority of those present; provided that the membership has been notified of the intention to amend at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. Absentee ballots may be cast by those unable to attend and shall be counted as if present.
Section 2 Nothing in these by-laws is intended to be in conflict with the objectives, constitution or by-laws of the AIS. Should a conflict occur, the amendment process shall be used to promptly eliminate such conflict.
Section 3 These by-laws shall completely supersede all previous by-laws of Region 13 of The American Iris Society and any amendments thereto.
Article X – Dissolution
Section 1 Upon the dissolution of Region 13, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of Region 13, distribute all assets of Region 13 to an organization or organizations that shall be exclusively organized and qualify as exempt organization under Section 201©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). Any assets not disposed of ty the Board of Directors shall be distributed by a court having jurisdiction for such purpose in the county in which the principal office of Region 13 is then located to similarly qualifying organization or organizations.